MJPRRS® Vaccine
PRRS, a consistently inconsistent challenge
The American Association of Swine Veterinarians estimated PRRS annual cost to the US swine industry of nearly $700 million.
The Swine Health Information Center (SHIC)1 supported by the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, has recently reported increased requests for PRRS virus (PRRSv) sequences.
The analysis of the information also shows a significant increase in the percentage of positive cases of PRRSv which aligns with the perception in the field of increased PRRSv activity.
According to the SHIC there is a growing interest in better characterizing the PRRSv strains involved in clinical cases.
1 2nd report, April 6th, 2018
Phibro Animal Health Corporation and MJ Biologics offers a unique method to identify PRRSv, this patented technology helps identify the genetic changes to the manner that PRRSv is experienced by the pig’s immune system
MJPRRS® Grouping Technology
Developed by MJ Biologics, the MJPRRS Grouping Technology identifies the differences in PRRSv’s presentation – the portions of the virus first encountered by the pig during PRRSv exposure.
The MJPRRS patented Grouping Technology, is a unique method of comparing PRRSv isolates taking into consideration the physical and immunological properties of the virus.
MJPRRS Grouping Technology differs from traditional genetic comparisons of RNA (dendrograms, nucleotide homologies, RFLP patterns) because it groups PRRSv by genetic changes to its presentation.
Critical antigens identified by the MJPRRS Grouping Technology (E-Proteins) differ from the most common immune-stimulating antigens found in conventional killed or modified-live PRRSv vaccines (N-Proteins).
Each MJPRRS autogenous vaccine serial can include up to five virus strains to provide a broader scope of immune presentations as identified through MJPRRS grouping technology.
The combination of proper virus identification, strain selection, proprietary harvest and antigen presentation techniques made possible by the MJPRRS grouping technology and autogenous vaccine will actively support the PRRSv control program on your farm.
Customer Service and Field Support:
The Experienced team of customer service professionals working in MJ Biologics’ laboratory can:
- Conduct sequence evaluation on PRRSv field isolates;
- Perform grouping analysis and comparison of PRRSv field isolates; and
- Provide personal consultation with swine veterinarians.
Phibro Animal Health offers a dedicated field technical and sales team to support swine veterinarians and their clients.
Contact your herd veterinarian and local Phibro Animal Health representative for additional details and to ask how you can have your PRRSv field isolates grouped.
The MJPRRS autogenous vaccine is made available through licensed veterinarians and is safe to use in both sows and pigs.
The MJPRRS autogenous vaccine, tailored to your farm or system, is manufactured and distributed by Phibro Animal Health Corporation at a USDA-regulated facility.
Certain products and formulations displayed on this site may not be approved for use in all countries. Please check with your local Phibro representative for use restrictions and product safety and/or warning information required in your area.
*Potency and efficacy of autogenous biologics have not been established.
Certain products and formulations displayed on this site may not be approved for use in all countries. Please check with your local Phibro representative for use restrictions and product safety and/or warning information required in your area.